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Adidas Clearance Sale

Looking for an Adidas clearance sale? Bloomingdale’s has a range of Adidas items on sale, including  everything from clothing to footwear. If you have been eyeing that perfect pair of Adidas sneakers or shorts, now is your chance to buy them. Choose from some of the most fabulous Adidas merchandise at unbelievable prices.

Online Adidas clearance sale features low-top sneakers, running shoes, and mule sneakers. These sneakers are available in all sizes and colors, so go ahead and find a pair that is just right for you. You can also take your pick from sweatshirts, jogging pants, half zip fleeces, graphic tees, and shorts. Each garment is complete with the trademark Adidas logo. Also, find long-sleeved tees, cropped tank tops, cropped hoodies, and slip-on sneakers. In this online clearance sale, shoes and garments are available in a range of sizes for everyone.

If you’re looking for more deals, browse our full designer sale section.