Infant Travel Gear


Baby & Toddler Travel Gear

Take them wherever you roam. With the right infant travel gear you can explore the world together—or simply take them across town—with peace of mind and a safety-first approach. Featuring baby carriers that help keep them close, as well as travel systems that can take them from the car to the stroller in seconds and diaper bags to help you stay organized, our collection can help make adventures with your little one even easier.

Baby Carriers. It’s the baby travel gear you need for little ones who prefer to be held. From wraps to packs, baby carriers from brands like Nuna and BabyBjörn give you a hands-free way to carry (and cuddle!) them.

Infant Travel Systems. For strollers and car seats that are effortlessly compatible, turn to infant travel systems. With the all-in-one Doona that can transform from car seat to stroller in seconds, plus car seats that effortlessly click into matching strollers, our collection of infant travel gear can make car rides and what comes next simple. (Not sure which is right for you? Check out our car seat guide and stroller guide to help you choose the perfect option for the way you live.)

Pack & Plays. Give them a safe space to play or sleep—even when they’re away from home. Portable and cozy, pack and plays give them room to relax their way.

Diaper Bags. Infant travel gear often includes a lot of accessories—from bottles to binkies and diapers and wipes to extra clothing and blankets. And the key to keeping it all organized is the diaper bag. With tote- and backpack-style options, you’ll find elevated ways to store their necessities—and yours.