Rebecca Minkoff Handbags


Rebecca Minkoff Handbags

Swap out your signature satchel or crossbody with something from our collection of Rebecca Minkoff handbags. Make a bold statement with one in a unique color or with artistic details that you can’t find anywhere else, or go for something more understated and traditional.

Rebecca Minkoff crossbody bags and satchels exude versatility. Go with the hands-free approach by wearing it messenger-style, or opt for a more ladylike option by choosing one with rigid carry handles. Those made of black or brown leather with stud details and metal chains give off an edgy attitude, while those with fringe or floral embellishments in unique finishes are effortlessly glamorous. Larger Rebecca Minkoff satchels, bucket and shoulder bags let you stow all your belongings, while smaller clutches hold just the essentials for a night on the town. Be sure to browse matching Rebecca Minkoff shoes to complete your overall look.

Tuck one of several Rebecca Minkoff wallets inside your new purchase to keep yourself organized. Card cases hold just IDs and credit cards, while larger suede and leather wallets and wristlets hold makeup for touch ups while you’re out and about. Look for those that store your smartphone too, so you can keep it close by as you keep in touch with friends.

Whether you need a daily tote or something special to complement your Rebecca Minkoff top for a special event, you can find endless options in this collection of Rebecca Minkoff handbags. Constructed from quality materials that hold up to daily use, these handbags let you step out in style.